Story of Foxy
Foxy was born on 12 July 2010 and Foxy died on May 7, 2023.
The story begins when she was about three months old. That's when I brought her back. House. She was full of life and like a little teddy bear, she had so much hair on her. Sure, there was the occasional mess on the floor, but that happens with all dogs. from time to time. She never did anything like steal food or do anything stupid. when I wasn't at home.

Everyone got to know her in my village and she was very playful and affectionate. She had more friends than me! I took Foxy everywhere I could and she had a very beautiful life. When she was 4, we moved to another apartment, which was a little better for Foxy because she had a small garden; the only problem was that there were cats. around and she loved chasing them. She wouldn't hurt them, she just wanted to play with them. You wouldn't expect a cat to understand. Foxy loved chasing chickens, ducks or anything that moves. Sometimes she seemed more like a cat than a dog.

Once, I took Foxy with me because I had to go away for a few days. I found myself in a room with another person and Foxy didn't sleep very well. Then I Take her with me to my bed. The second night, we had a small room to ourselves. alone, which was much easier. As you will see in all the photos and videos, she has truly enjoyed life to the fullest.

In November 2022, Fox started having seizures and I took her to the veterinarian. I did not give him the prescribed tablets right away because no test had was carried out to determine the reason for these convulsions. After a few days of crises Continuing, the vet told me to start giving the medicine, and I did. She has started with three tablets a day, a small dose. At that time, I was still with a veterinarian that I later left and that I would have preferred never to leave. But we can't rewrite the story.

The vet I went to did many different blood tests and sent them to the laboratory, which found a probable explanation. The vet explained to me that she probably had a problem in the head. She could have a tumor or cancer, the vet told me. I didn't stop to tell the vet that she had a problem with the medication he had given her. But he doesn't didn't seem to listen to me. Today I remain convinced that this was indeed the problem. Her stomach has started to swell and she started to gain weight. These are known side effects of medications prescribed by the veterinarian. I told the vet the tablets were causing problems. to Foxy. The vet prescribed anti-inflammatories for the swelling, which worked very well. during a moment. After two weeks of treatment for the seizure, she began to have
The same problems: her stomach was swollen and she was gaining weight. The veterinarian wanted to reduce the anti-inflammatory because they could also be bad for her in too many quantities. On the other hand, the veterinarian told me to increase the antiepileptic dose, from three tablets per day, we moved to four. This only made the situation worse. With the vet's permission, I reduced the dose to three a day, even though my instincts told me to cut back even further. In addition to this, another The result indicated that a throat problem could be the cause of Foxy's health problem. Her Thyroids may have been affected. So the vet also gave me some tablets to treat his thyroid, the taryron.
Since Foxy wasn't feeling very well, I went to see my first vet that I would have I loved that I never left. I said I'd take Foxy on Saturday afternoon. One day, in my absence, Foxy had some sort of seizure in the apartment. I don't know what really happened, but she must have was going crazy because I was finding things everywhere, and she managed to get stuck in the table legs. It's very difficult for me to talk about this part. Foxy was at the vet on the table. The veterinarian has gave Foxy a transfusion to help remove toxins from his body. It took time. I have, then took Foxy home. The night was very difficult for me. Foxy asked out several times but she didn't want to eat. I took Foxy back to the vet on Sunday morning and we discussed Foxy's future. I asked him if there was any way she could get better and he said that he didn't know because she was still very weak. She could stand but she walked very slowly.
I had to make a decision that I didn't really want to make. For Foxy's sake, I decided to put a foxy to sleep permanently. As people know, this is a difficult decision to make,
especially after the beautiful life I had with my best friend FOXY.